白云岛资源网 Design By www.pvray.com
By Vikram Vaswani
November 07, 2000
<!-- code for index.html begins here -->
<basefont face=arial>
<table border=0 align=center>
<form action="actions.php" method=post>
<input type=hidden name=action value=CWD>
<input type=text name=server>
<input type=text name=username>
<input type=password name=password>
<td colspan=2 align=center>
<input type="submit" value="Beam Me Up, Scotty!">
<!-- code for index.html ends here -->
<!-- code for actions.php begins here -->
<basefont face=Arial>
This is use-at-your-own-risk code.
It is meant only for illustrative purposes and is not meant for production environments. No warranties of any kind are provided to the user.
You have been warned!
All code copyright Melonfire, 2000. Visit us at http://www.melonfire.com
// function to connect to FTP server
function connect()
global $server, $username, $password;
$conn = ftp_connect($server);
ftp_login($conn, $username, $password);
return $conn;
// main program begins
// check for valid form entries else print error
if (!$server || !$username || !$password)
echo "Form data incomplete!";
// connect
$result = connect();
// action: change directory
if ($action == "CWD")
// at initial stage $rdir does not exist
// so assume default directory
if (!$rdir)
$path = ".";
// get current location $cdir and add it to requested directory $rdir
$path = $cdir . "/" . $rdir;
// change to requested directory
ftp_chdir($result, $path);
// action: delete file(s)
else if ($action == "Delete")
ftp_chdir($result, $cdir);
// loop through selected files and delete
for ($x=0; $x<sizeof($dfile); $x++)
ftp_delete($result, $cdir . "/" . $dfile[$x]);
// action: download files
else if ($action == "Download")
ftp_chdir($result, $cdir);
// download selected files
// IMPORTANT: you should specify a different download location here!!
for ($x=0; $x<sizeof($dfile); $x++)
ftp_get($result, $dfile[$x], $dfile[$x], FTP_BINARY);
// action: upload file
else if ($action == "Upload")
ftp_chdir($result, $cdir);
// put file
a better idea would be to use
$res_code = ftp_put($result, $HTTP_POST_FILES["upfile"]["name"],
$HTTP_POST_FILES["upfile"]["tmp_name"], FTP_BINARY);
as it offers greater security
$res_code = ftp_put($result, $upfile_name, $upfile, FTP_BINARY);
// check status and display
if ($res_code == 1)
$status = "Upload successful!";
$status = "Upload error!";
// create file list
$filelist = ftp_nlist($result, ".");
// and display interface
// close connection
<!-- code for actions.php ends here -->
<!-- code for include.php begins here -->
// get current location
$here = ftp_pwd($result);
since ftp_size() is quite slow, especially when working
on an array containing all the files in a directory,
this section performs an ftp_size() on all the files in the current
directory and creates three arrays.
// array for files
$files = Array();
// array for directories
$dirs = Array();
// array for file sizes
$file_sizes = Array();
// counters
$file_list_counter = 0;
$dir_list_counter = 0;
// check each element of $filelist
for ($x=0; $x<sizeof($filelist); $x++)
if (ftp_size($result, $filelist[$x]) != -1)
// create arrays
$files[$file_list_counter] = $filelist[$x];
$file_sizes[$file_list_counter] = ftp_size($result, $filelist[$x]);
$dir_list[$dir_list_counter] = $filelist[$x];
<!-- header - where am I? -->
You are currently working in <b><? echo $here; ?></b>
<!-- status message for upload function -->
<? echo $status; ?>
<!-- directory listing in drop-down list -->
Available directories:
<form action=actions.php method=post>
<!-- these values are passed hidden every time -->
<!-- a more optimal solution might be to place these in session
variables -->
<input type=hidden name=username value=<? echo $username; ?
<input type=hidden name=password value=<? echo $password; ?
<input type=hidden name=server value=<? echo $server; ?
<input type=hidden name=cdir value=<? echo $here; ?
<!-- action to take when THIS form is submitted -->
<input type=hidden name=action value=CWD>
<!-- dir listing begins; first item is for parent dir -->
<select name=rdir>
<option value=".."><parent directory></option>
for ($x=0; $x<sizeof($dir_list); $x++)
echo "<option value=" . $dir_list[$x] . ">" . $dir_list[$x] . "</option>";
<input type=submit value=Go>
<!-- file listing begins -->
Available files:
<form action=actions.php method=post>
<!-- these values are passed hidden every time -->
<input type=hidden name=server value=<? echo $server; ?
<input type=hidden name=username value=<? echo $username; ?
<input type=hidden name=password value=<? echo $password; ?
<input type=hidden name=cdir value=<? echo $here; ?
<table border=0 width=100%>
// display file listing with checkboxes and sizes
for ($y=0; $y<sizeof($files); $y++)
echo "<tr><td><input type=checkbox name=dfile[] value=" . $files[$y] .
">". $files[$y] . " <i>(" . $file_sizes[$y] . " bytes)</i><td>";
<!-- actions for this form -->
<input type=submit name=action value=Delete>
<input type=submit name=action value=Download>
<!-- file upload form -->
File upload:
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action=actions.php method=post>
<!-- these values are passed hidden every time -->
<input type=hidden name=username value=<? echo $username; ?
<input type=hidden name=password value=<? echo $password; ?
<input type=hidden name=server value=<? echo $server; ?
<input type=hidden name=cdir value=<? echo $here; ?
<!-- file selection box -->
<input type=file name=upfile>
<!-- action for this form -->
<input type=submit name=action value=Upload>
<!-- code for include.php ends here -->
November 07, 2000
<!-- code for index.html begins here -->
<basefont face=arial>
<table border=0 align=center>
<form action="actions.php" method=post>
<input type=hidden name=action value=CWD>
<input type=text name=server>
<input type=text name=username>
<input type=password name=password>
<td colspan=2 align=center>
<input type="submit" value="Beam Me Up, Scotty!">
<!-- code for index.html ends here -->
<!-- code for actions.php begins here -->
<basefont face=Arial>
This is use-at-your-own-risk code.
It is meant only for illustrative purposes and is not meant for production environments. No warranties of any kind are provided to the user.
You have been warned!
All code copyright Melonfire, 2000. Visit us at http://www.melonfire.com
// function to connect to FTP server
function connect()
global $server, $username, $password;
$conn = ftp_connect($server);
ftp_login($conn, $username, $password);
return $conn;
// main program begins
// check for valid form entries else print error
if (!$server || !$username || !$password)
echo "Form data incomplete!";
// connect
$result = connect();
// action: change directory
if ($action == "CWD")
// at initial stage $rdir does not exist
// so assume default directory
if (!$rdir)
$path = ".";
// get current location $cdir and add it to requested directory $rdir
$path = $cdir . "/" . $rdir;
// change to requested directory
ftp_chdir($result, $path);
// action: delete file(s)
else if ($action == "Delete")
ftp_chdir($result, $cdir);
// loop through selected files and delete
for ($x=0; $x<sizeof($dfile); $x++)
ftp_delete($result, $cdir . "/" . $dfile[$x]);
// action: download files
else if ($action == "Download")
ftp_chdir($result, $cdir);
// download selected files
// IMPORTANT: you should specify a different download location here!!
for ($x=0; $x<sizeof($dfile); $x++)
ftp_get($result, $dfile[$x], $dfile[$x], FTP_BINARY);
// action: upload file
else if ($action == "Upload")
ftp_chdir($result, $cdir);
// put file
a better idea would be to use
$res_code = ftp_put($result, $HTTP_POST_FILES["upfile"]["name"],
$HTTP_POST_FILES["upfile"]["tmp_name"], FTP_BINARY);
as it offers greater security
$res_code = ftp_put($result, $upfile_name, $upfile, FTP_BINARY);
// check status and display
if ($res_code == 1)
$status = "Upload successful!";
$status = "Upload error!";
// create file list
$filelist = ftp_nlist($result, ".");
// and display interface
// close connection
<!-- code for actions.php ends here -->
<!-- code for include.php begins here -->
// get current location
$here = ftp_pwd($result);
since ftp_size() is quite slow, especially when working
on an array containing all the files in a directory,
this section performs an ftp_size() on all the files in the current
directory and creates three arrays.
// array for files
$files = Array();
// array for directories
$dirs = Array();
// array for file sizes
$file_sizes = Array();
// counters
$file_list_counter = 0;
$dir_list_counter = 0;
// check each element of $filelist
for ($x=0; $x<sizeof($filelist); $x++)
if (ftp_size($result, $filelist[$x]) != -1)
// create arrays
$files[$file_list_counter] = $filelist[$x];
$file_sizes[$file_list_counter] = ftp_size($result, $filelist[$x]);
$dir_list[$dir_list_counter] = $filelist[$x];
<!-- header - where am I? -->
You are currently working in <b><? echo $here; ?></b>
<!-- status message for upload function -->
<? echo $status; ?>
<!-- directory listing in drop-down list -->
Available directories:
<form action=actions.php method=post>
<!-- these values are passed hidden every time -->
<!-- a more optimal solution might be to place these in session
variables -->
<input type=hidden name=username value=<? echo $username; ?
<input type=hidden name=password value=<? echo $password; ?
<input type=hidden name=server value=<? echo $server; ?
<input type=hidden name=cdir value=<? echo $here; ?
<!-- action to take when THIS form is submitted -->
<input type=hidden name=action value=CWD>
<!-- dir listing begins; first item is for parent dir -->
<select name=rdir>
<option value=".."><parent directory></option>
for ($x=0; $x<sizeof($dir_list); $x++)
echo "<option value=" . $dir_list[$x] . ">" . $dir_list[$x] . "</option>";
<input type=submit value=Go>
<!-- file listing begins -->
Available files:
<form action=actions.php method=post>
<!-- these values are passed hidden every time -->
<input type=hidden name=server value=<? echo $server; ?
<input type=hidden name=username value=<? echo $username; ?
<input type=hidden name=password value=<? echo $password; ?
<input type=hidden name=cdir value=<? echo $here; ?
<table border=0 width=100%>
// display file listing with checkboxes and sizes
for ($y=0; $y<sizeof($files); $y++)
echo "<tr><td><input type=checkbox name=dfile[] value=" . $files[$y] .
">". $files[$y] . " <i>(" . $file_sizes[$y] . " bytes)</i><td>";
<!-- actions for this form -->
<input type=submit name=action value=Delete>
<input type=submit name=action value=Download>
<!-- file upload form -->
File upload:
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action=actions.php method=post>
<!-- these values are passed hidden every time -->
<input type=hidden name=username value=<? echo $username; ?
<input type=hidden name=password value=<? echo $password; ?
<input type=hidden name=server value=<? echo $server; ?
<input type=hidden name=cdir value=<? echo $here; ?
<!-- file selection box -->
<input type=file name=upfile>
<!-- action for this form -->
<input type=submit name=action value=Upload>
<!-- code for include.php ends here -->
白云岛资源网 Design By www.pvray.com
广告合作:本站广告合作请联系QQ:858582 申请时备注:广告合作(否则不回)
白云岛资源网 Design By www.pvray.com
3月20日消息,近期博主@数码闲聊站 透露,原定三月份发布的华为新旗舰P70系列延期发布,预计4月份上市。
而博主@定焦数码 爆料,华为的P70系列在定位上已经超过了Mate60,成为了重要的旗舰系列之一。它肩负着重返影像领域顶尖的使命。那么这次P70会带来哪些令人惊艳的创新呢?
根据目前爆料的消息来看,华为P70系列将推出三个版本,其中P70和P70 Pro采用了三角形的摄像头模组设计,而P70 Art则采用了与上一代P60 Art相似的不规则形状设计。这样的外观是否好看见仁见智,但辨识度绝对拉满。